My name is Dr. Kathy Ramsey and I am a Traditional Naturopath and Classical Homeopath. I have been using and formally studying Natural Healing for over 30 years. I have studied with some of the best Doctors from around the world.

I have a Doctorate in Naturopathy. I am a Certified Natural Health Practitioner. I also hold several other degrees and certifications in Holistic Healing. My mission incorporates the science of healing that addresses the whole person—body, mind, and soul. In practice, this means that every person is seen as a unique individual, rather than an example of a particular disease.

Dis-ease is understood to be the result of physical, emotional, spiritual, social, and environmental imbalance. Wellness, therefore, takes place naturally when these aspects of life are brought into proper balance.

My role to you is your practitioner,  guide,  educator, and mentor.